Safe Haven Foundation’s founding program Haven’s Way™ duplicates that of a loving and supportive family environment, providing homeless and at-risk teenage girls with a Safe Haven that supports them as they work towards their goals, and highlight their strengths. With these supports they can complete their education and learn valuable life skills allowing them to become self-sufficient and contributing members of our society.
Healthy and Caring family environment

In addition to the Haven’s Way™ Program, the Foundation delivers Therapeutic Recreation and Educational Scholarship Programs. Many of the girls in the homes have never had the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities and through the Therapeutic Recreation Program, they are given the opportunity to pursue their passions, experience new opportunities and build self esteem while becoming further engaged in the community. The Educational Scholarship Program assists girls with the costs of post-secondary education, setting them up for a lifetime of self-sufficiency and allowing them to create futures of endless possibilities.